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Drink Chemical Free Water!!

Water In Each And Every Cell

Water is an integral part of the human body.  The body is made up of seventy percent water according to scientists.  However, take into consider most of the material of the body such as bone, muscle, skin, organ tissue and ligaments all include cells.  Each cell must contain water for a cell has many organs within it that rely on water for health, waste and nutrient delivery to sustain life.  My belief is that the body is made up of much more water than our scientific community believes. 

You are unable to live without water for any length of time.  Three days without water will render most people unable to think, walk or move.  Water is a very important part of life.  None of the billions of chemical reactions that help maintain health in your body would happen if water were not a part of the environment. 

Make It Pure Water Please

Water must be pure.  The best water to drink is distilled water however, not distilled water that you can get from your local grocer because it is often packaged in a plastic jug.  Because of the pureness of the water the polymers that the jug is made of will leach into the water.  This is the reason that you may find a plastic taste when you drink bottled water.  These polymers, which are toxic, are being introduced into the body and the body must try to remove or sequester them.  Overall water in plastic bottles are a bad choice for drinking water.

There are alternative plastic containers that will not leach into the water.  Any container made of poly carbonates does not affect the waters taste plus polymers do not leach into the water.  You can purchase these jugs at most natural food stores.  If yours doesn't carry these they can order them for you. 

What's Lurking In The Water?

Once you have these jugs go to a water machine that purifies the water through Reverse Osmosis, UV light, and carbon filtering.  Most grocery stores around the US have these machines somewhere in the grocery store.  By drinking this water in these containers you will remove polymers and any harmful chemicals that are lurking in your tap water. 

Tap water contains very harmful chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride, trace carcinogens etc.  Anyone who says that the tap water in your area is safe to drink is only spouting what the EPA has decided the amount of toxins that are okay for you to ingest.  I don't know about you but I would really rather not ingest cyanide no matter how little the tap water has.  Please remember that any chemical you ingest accumulates in your body.  It is very difficult to remove these chemicals from the body so it would be best to not introduce them at all.  Stop drinking tap water.

Be ProHealth Active

Take your life into your own hands.  You are the only person who can really monitor what your intake of chemicals are.  Do not depend on the government to decide what is an okay amount of mercury, chlorine, fluoride, and cyanide to ingest.  All of these are neurotoxins.  This means that each of these chemicals are not supposed to be in the body at all no matter how small the amount is.  These chemicals attack the nervous system and eighty percent of your nervous system is your brain.  Most of these toxins find their way to the brain and begin wreaking havoc on your nervous system.  In the end the chemical always wins and you start having memory issues, muscle control issues, and psychological issues.

Alzheimer's has been on the increase.  Why?  My theory is that there have been so many chemicals introduced not only into the water but our food supply.  These chemicals are neurotoxins that affect the nervous system and therefore a person begins presenting with Alzheimer's affects.  Help your body by removing as many toxic chemicals from your food and drink supply as you can.  This is the only way to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

Dr. Betts

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